How Many Solar Panels Does it Take to Power a House?

Best Solar Panels For Homes 2023

Solar panels are available in a wide selection of abilities, quality, price points and features. The perfect solar panels for your home and needs may differ greatly from those that fit your neighbors’ requirements. Consider the following criteria when deciding which ones best meet your needs.

Solar Panel Costs

The cost of a solar energy system at Renogy for a home averages around $16,000, with a range from just $3,500 to over $35,000, including installation and panels and without utilizing any tax rebates. Although quality plays a role in solar panel costs, so too do the features and capabilities of individual system components. Look for solar panels that offer the best return on investment, including the ability to slash your energy bill costs but still fit within your budget.

Solar Panel Efficiency

The efficiency rating is stated as a percentage that reflects the productivity of individual solar panels. The current average efficiency rating for residential panels is around 18%. High-performance solar panels have efficiency ratings of over 22%, while budget products come in at approximately 16% efficiency.

Not every home requires the highest efficiency rating possible. Your budget, energy needs, and available space will help determine an acceptable efficiency range. Remember that solar panel efficiency degrades somewhat over time when shopping.

Solar Panel Wattage

To be beneficial, solar panels need to create at least as much power as they replace. While efficiency ratings reflect how well a panel converts energy, its wattage measures the result in terms of power. Most modern residential solar panels generate between 250 and 400 watts per hour while producing power. Generally, higher-wattage panels are preferable to lower-power ones. However, your needs and budget are factors when deciding wattage output per panel.

Temperature Coefficient

A panel’s coefficient rating measures its efficiency loss as temperature increases and is expressed in negative percentage numbers. A lower temperature coefficient rating depicts a solar panel that performs better in hot weather than a panel with a higher coefficient rating. Although panels with a low coefficient rating may be crucial in hot-weather locations, they can also show noticeable results in places that experience wild temperature swings.

Your Home Power Needs

Depending on your family’s energy use, you may need a system that generates more or less electrical power. Ensure that your system will generate enough electricity during the day and, if desired, enough power storage to get you through each night. Some solar users opt for systems large enough to generate just enough power to meet some of their needs, while others choose systems that allow them to live off the grid or even sell power back to their local energy provider.

Check Solar Panel Warranties

The typical product warranty for solar panels is 25 years. System components, such as batteries, inverters and other crucial parts, often have warranties that vary significantly between products and manufacturers. Pay attention to those warranties and the panels’ output warranty after 10 and 25 years, especially if you plan on staying in the same home for a long time. Keep an eye out for both performance and manufacturer warranties.

Installation Company Availability

Beyond being available where you live, ensure that the installation company you choose offers the panels and system components you desire or their equivalent. Check reviews, references and price quotes when selecting a company that can meet your solar energy needs. Look for installer workmanship guarantees in addition to manufacturer warranties.

Available Roof Space

How much roof or yard space you have, facing in the optimum direction, is a crucial factor that may limit your panel choices. Smaller spaces benefit from fewer panels with higher wattages and efficiencies, while homeowners with larger available spaces could benefit from having more panel quantity and power options.

Check Solar Panel Reviews

Not long ago there were few solar power customers to look to for their experiences. As solar-energy popularity grows, and now that consumers have had several years to evaluate their systems over time, that’s all changed. Online reviews of solar panels, installers, systems, storage and other components are readily available, so you can be confident that you’re investing for the best possible outcome.

Solar Installation Recommendations

Solar energy systems are constantly evolving and improving. When making your purchase decisions, ask others with experience owning the system you’re considering about what they’ve learned. Also, keep an open mind to recommendations from solar companies regarding your energy needs. In an ever-changing industry, there’s always new information that could be beneficial.


How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

Solar Panel Costs for Homes

Solar panels cost, on average, about $16,000, or between $3,500 to $35,000 depending on the type and model. While solar panels can help save you money on energy costs, it’s important to know the overall startup solar panel costs so you can plan a budget.

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Explore Options Average Cost of Solar Panels Cost of Solar Panels by State

Of course, solar panel costs and pricing estimates will vary by state and by region. Regions with higher usage and statistically more sunny days per year will typically have robust incentive programs built in place already, whereas other areas of the U.S. May not be seeing that level of development.

Cost of Solar Panels by Type Monocrystalline Solar Panels

On average, monocrystalline solar panels (the most energy-efficient solar panel option) cost $1 to $1.50 per watt, meaning that outfitting a 6kW solar panel system (also known as a solar system) costs between $6,000 and $9,000.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Less energy-efficient than monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline solar panels cost $0.90 to $1 per watt, so outfitting a 6kW solar panel system would cost between $5,400 and $6,000 making it a more affordable option.

Thin-Film Solar Panels

On average, thin-film solar panels cost between $1 and $1.50 per watt, meaning that outfitting a 6kW solar panel system costs between $6,000 and $9,000. Thin-film solar panels are more inexpensive than their counterparts but require a large amount of space, and hence, are primarily used in industrial settings.

Solar Panel Installation Costs

Installing solar panels can cost anywhere between $15,000 and $25,000. This price will depend on location, with solar power costing more in regions farther from the equator, like Alaska, and costing less for sun-drenched regions and how many solar panels you’ll need.

Factors That Affect Solar Panel Costs

Multiple unique factors go into the price of solar panels, which are related to your electricity use and home. Check out the things to consider when calculating costs:

Solar Companies

The cost of solar panels is dependent on the solar panel company you choose. From the solar equipment system itself to installation costs to add-ons, the price will vary from company to company and the first step is to consider your options for the best solar companies.

Size, Weight And Number of Panels

When assessing solar panel cost, the size, weight and number of panels are things to consider. For instance, when determining how many solar panels you’ll need, there are a few pieces of information you’ll need to know:

  • How much energy your household uses
  • How much space you have on your roof
  • How many hours of sun your home gets, and the wattage and relative efficiency of the photovoltaic (PV) solar panels you’ll be installing

Once those are determined, you can begin to calculate the cost.

Federal Solar Tax Credit

Installing solar panels earns you a federal solar tax credit. That means you’ll get credit for your income taxes, which lowers your tax bill. You can qualify for the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) as long as your solar system is new or being used for the first time between January 1, 2006, and December 31, 2023. Unless Congress renews the ITC, it expires in 2024.

Type Of Panels

There are three main types of solar panels available for residential use. They are monocrystalline, polycrystalline and thin-film. The most energy-efficient and best solar panels for home option, monocrystalline solar panels, costs $1 to $1.50 per watt. Less energy-efficient, polycrystalline solar panels cost $0.90 to $1 per watt. Thin-film solar panels cost between $1 and $1.50 per watt.

Solar Panel Manufacturer

Since solar panels come in varying quality, the cost can depend highly on the solar panel’s manufacturer. Although most manufacturers generally see similar cost ranges, the better the solar panel quality, the higher the price.


The efficiency of solar panels is determined by the amount of sunlight reflected on the panels’ surface, which is then transformed into electrical or thermal energy. Monocrystalline solar panels are the most efficient, but their price point is high because of their complex construction. Polycrystalline solar panels are simpler to create, making them less expensive than monocrystalline. Thin-film PV cells are easier and less expensive to produce but are the least efficient type of solar panel.


Solar panel costs also vary by state due to local quoting trends and system size differences. States have different average system sizes and incentives, causing prices to differ from state to state.

Roof Pitch

Your roof’s characteristics, like the roof’s pitch, will also determine solar panel cost. Typically, your solar company will charge for the difficulty of the installation and having a complex roof will make your system cost more.

When to Install Solar Panels

Contrary to popular belief, winter is actually the best time to install solar panels. There is simply less demand for this service in winter, so the installation should cost less as a whole. Even if you live in a region that tends to be cloudy and/or chilly, your solar panels will still be able to generate energy and in some cases, will even generate more energy than they would in warmer months.

Installing solar panels during winter is, in addition to being cost-effective, efficient. With solar installation companies doing fewer jobs in the off-season, your panels are likely to be installed faster, and will be up-and-running in no time.

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Find a Solar Panel Installer How Much Do Solar Panels Save?

Though solar panels cost money upfront, they can save homeowners money in the long term. The question of how much solar panels will save you depends on several factors, including the hours of daily direct sunlight available to the panels, the angle of your roof and the size of your solar panel system. The most important factor in determining how much money solar panels will save you is your local electricity rates.

To determine how much money your solar panels will save you each year, calculate how much you spend on electricity annually (for reference, the typical American family spends about $1,450 annually on electricity). Then, determine your current utility rate, keeping in mind that utility rates tend to increase by 2.2% each year (yet another reason to install solar panels).

Use an online calculator to estimate your annual savings by plugging in information like your location, energy usage and the current average price of solar panel installation in your area.

A common misconception is that solar panels will eradicate your electricity bills. While this is sometimes the case, solar panels significantly reduce your monthly electricity bill and are worth the investment.

How Can I Pay for Solar Panels?

Although it is a significant investment, homeowners can benefit from lower utility costs once solar panels are installed. When paid for outright, solar panels can cost homeowners anywhere from $16,000 to $36,000. If you’re wondering how to pay for solar panels, there are several ways you can go about it.


Consider paying for solar panel installation outright in cash if you have the extra money in the bank. By owning your solar panels outright, you’ll be able to take advantage of the generous rebate and the tax incentive immediately.

Solar Loans

Solar loans allow you to finance the solar panels to help alleviate financial stress. Plus, you can have the panels installed and start using them to power your home right away with little to no money down. The payment plan will involve monthly payments over a period of time with interest added.

Solar Leases or Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)

In some states, homeowners can lease solar panels or finance them through what is known as power purchase agreements (PPAs). These leases or PPAs mean a third party will own and install the solar panel system on your roof while you pay that party for your energy each month. Some PPAs will lock you in for a set rate, but some have a payment schedule that rises each year.

Cash-Out Refinance

If you are refinancing your mortgage, consider a cash-out refinance. This allows you to extract cash from your home’s equity, which homeowners often earmark for needed home improvements or to pay down other debt.

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

Another alternative financing option is a home equity line of credit (HELOC). This allows you to tap into your home’s equity and use it as a lower-interest credit card so you can access cash for home projects.


Renting solar panels allows you to harness the power of alternative energy at a low monthly rate—only available through Tesla. However, it’s important to note you do not own these panels, so you will not receive any tax advantages or rebates from them.

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What Does the Solar Panel Installation Process Look Like?

To better understand the installation process, it is recommended that you speak to a solar energy consultant, especially since there are many things to consider regarding solar power for your home. For instance, a consultant can direct you on all the details of solar panel installation.

Check for Compatibility

To begin the solar panel installation process, you’ll have to ensure your home is ready for a solar energy system. First and foremost, your roof needs to be large enough, your electrical panel needs to be up to date and, most importantly, in good shape, so you won’t have to be replaced soon.

Select the Size

Once you’ve determined that your roof is compatible, it’s essential to plan out what you would like your system to provide. Whether you want energy to run lighting or a few appliances or create enough energy to sell some back to the power company or anything in between, this will determine the system’s size.

Get Permits

Before your installation, ensure you have the proper permits from your localities. The most time-consuming parts of the project are often waiting for the permits to be approved and scheduling the subsequent inspections.

Apply for Incentives

You’ll want to consider incentive programs to make the most of your solar investment. These vary by locality and state. Even federal incentives can change from time to time. It would help if you also looked into tax credits, rebates or grants from multiple sources to offset costs. Apply for these incentives before starting physical work.


Since solar panel requirements vary depending on needs and locations, you’ll want to order your project’s unique solar panel components all at once to ensure all the materials are compatible and to be as prepared as possible.


Once everything is properly in place, it is time solar panel installation. Install the racking system, the panels, the heat sink, the charge controller, the battery bank, the power inverter and the energy meter. Next, double-check all wiring before connecting the energy system to the energy panel to complete the process.

Bottom Line

Solar panels can generate major savings if you’re trying to reduce your electricity costs, carbon emissions, or both. The primary factor in determining how much money a solar panel system will save you, in the long run, is the cost of electricity, which can vary significantly based on your location.

If you live in a region with middle- to upper-level utility rates, you can pretty much guarantee that a solar panel will save you big bucks over time. Solar panels tend to be worth the investment as long as you go about the installation process wisely.


Solar Backup Power: 13 Things (2023) You Need To Know

Solar power backup is an essential part of a solar power system that’s intended to keep it running no matter what.

Having backup power — even in unexpected or unforeseen circumstances — will ensure you always have a system to provide power for you and your family.

In this blog, we’ll talk about how backup works when you have solar panels.

1. What is solar backup power?

Battery backup solar PV systems work just like normal generator systems.

When your house cannot use power from the grid or your panels, it will use clean, solar energy that has been stored.

2. How does solar backup power work?

Excess solar power is stored in a battery during daylight hours in order to give you energy independence from both the grid and the sun.

This is because the solar inverter — the hardware that converts a solar panel’s DC power output to AC so your home can use it — automatically switches to battery power to run important loads when programmed.

These loads could include the refrigerator, TV, internet, lights, and power outlets regardless of whether it’s day or night.

When you select certain devices to power on backup power, you extend the number of days your battery can power everything.

For the most part, solar systems use backup batteries.

These systems are designed to bypass interruption when grid-connected systems go down.

3. What are the different types of solar battery backup power?

Not all solar batteries are created equal.

Some are designed for grid connectivity while others are not.

The one you choose will depend on your energy and savings goals.

Off-grid DC-coupled batteries: These batteries are often used with both remote properties and recreational vehicles.

They normally come with built-in inverters that convert direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) power.

Off-grid AC-coupled batteries: These batteries perform the same basic function as their DC counterparts, but the conversion process occurs before reaching the batteries themselves.

Grid-tied AC-coupled batteries: These batteries are the most popular for residential storage needs.

The inverter technology is already built-in, which makes it perfect for both new PV installations and retrofits.

Note that solar permitting and utility approvals are normally required for grid-tied connections.

Grid-tied DC-coupled solar batteries: These batteries use hybrid (or multi-mode) inverters capable of accepting high voltage loads.

These batteries are often compact, which makes them favorable among homeowners.

However, they are not the best option for off-grid applications.

4. What is UPS and what does it do?

UPS stands for uninterrupted power supply, and it’s a system commonly paired with a solar power system.

UPS is designed to keep household appliances running if the power is out.

UPS systems use solar generators to supply hours of backup power for a household.

A power inverter (DC to AC) and a power converter (AC to DC) are used to store power in a battery system to reproduce it when needed.

Homeowners will use their UPS system and pull on the strength of its batteries to power electrical appliances when the grid is down.

5. What is a backup battery and what does it do?

A backup battery is a safeguard for a solar system.

It’s intended to bypass interruption when grid-connected systems aren’t working so that your household and business can continue to run during an outage.

6. What is a backup generator and what does it do?

A backup generator is a more powerful alternative to a backup battery.

Home backup generators are designed to power energy-intensive systems (think heating and air conditioning) even if the grid goes out.

When you have a generator, you have access to a lot more power than a battery system stores.

Batteries typically only store power while generators produce power.

This means that a building or company would have continuous power even while the grid is out.

If you want to use a generator, you simply need to turn it on after a grid outage.

A generator can also be set to automatically turn on, so you don’t experience any interruptions in your devices.

Having a backup generator often provides peace of mind for both residential and commercial customers.

7. Should I opt for battery backup or a generator?

Either option can be the right option depending on your energy goals.

Keep in mind that both applications will be a considerable investment.

That said, if price and payment are your top priorities then battery backup may be the best way to go.

Below, we’ll review everything you need to know about both batteries and generators so you can determine the right route for your situation.

Solar battery backup

A battery is like having an external hard drive that is also ready to go and backed up.

When the grid or your panels are up and running, the battery will act as your “cloud storage.”

It only ever provides you power when you have maxed out your hard drive.

With that, not all solar batteries are intended for grid connectivity.

There are several different configurations and what you choose will ultimately depend on your energy goals as well as your savings goals.

Check out #3 which outlines the different types of batteries (off-grid or grid-tied) that you can use.

Another consideration is the depth of discharge (DoD).

This is the percentage of discharged power relative to the battery’s total storage capacity.

If a battery can hold 10 kilowatt-hours of solar capacity, a DoD of 75 percent means that you can’t reliably draw more than 7.5 kilowatt-hours of clean energy.

You can think about this like a computer as well.

Modern computers will ship with 500 gigabytes of storage.

However, the operating system and pre-installed programs will take up some of that hard drive space already.

A general rule of thumb is that the higher the depth of discharge the more solar power a homeowner can store and use.

We recommend aiming for depths of discharge that are 95 percent or higher.


If you’re looking at this as a means of backup power, understand that this is not a solar option.

Generators rely on fossil fuels.

They release CO2 and other greenhouse gases during operation.

A generator uses diesel to provide homeowners with emergency backup power during grid outages.

A side effect of this is that they are smelly and noisy even if they’re idle for most of the year.

There are benefits to this.

For one, diesel generators are mature technology.

This means that they are relatively easy to buy, install, service, and repair.

Regardless of weather conditions, you’ll have reliable power.

Additionally, these generators are often portable, which means homeowners can move them whenever and wherever they need emergency backup power.

If you opt for a generator, you’ll need to maintain it with scheduled servicing, trips to the gas station, and frequent top-ups.

This can be a lot of responsibility for a unit that is only used during the occasional blackout.

Many homeowners find their generator to be a frustrating use of space and resources.

You should also note that diesel generators never pay for themselves.

Generators have ongoing costs (both for the owners and the planet) whereas solar batteries recharge themselves with free energy from the sun.

If you opt for a generator, you’re the person who is going to be in charge of constant refueling which can be time-consuming and expensive.

8. What are the advantages of solar backup power?

There are normally several benefits of solar backup power.

Here’s why you might consider adding a backup system to your solar system.

You could save money: Solar backup power systems are typically eligible for federal tax incentives and allow you to avoid peak utility rates by drawing power from batteries during the most expensive times of the day.

You’re also able to store daytime solar electricity for nighttime use, which allows you to reduce your utility bills overall.

You won’t have to do any additional maintenance (lithium-ion batteries): Lithium-ion batteries are safe, reliable, and do not require maintenance.

You’ll always have power: When you use a solar battery, you’ll have access to clean, free solar power even during power outages.

You’ll know how much power you use: You can choose a cloud-based monitoring platform that permits you to track your home’s energy usage and solar production using an intuitive app that can be used on any personal electronic device or home computer.

Keep in mind that most solar backup batteries have a measurable ROI.

This contrasts with diesel generators that technically never pay for themselves.

If you choose to install a battery, you’ll always have the option of using stored solar electricity before taking power from the grid.

9. What are the disadvantages of solar backup power?

While solar backup power offers a lot of pros, they also come with quite a few cons.

Although prices are declining, solar batteries are relatively expensive, which doesn’t make them an accessible option for everyone.

Solar batteries only last an average of 5 to 10 years.

This means that homeowners often have to replace them at some point during the 25-year lifespan of their solar panels.

Solar batteries may seem eco-friendly on the surface.

However, they often use toxic chemicals, precious metals, or a combination of both.

However, this must be balanced against the benefits of using renewable energy as your power source.

Solar backup power can require additional maintenance depending on the battery storage technology that’s being used.

This includes deep-cycle lead-acid batteries, which require frequent topping up with distilled water.

If you want a “set it and forget it” system, then this may be a deterrent for you.

10. How long will my battery system last?

If you rely on solar backup power during an electric grid outage, you may wonder how long that lasts.

The answer is dependent on your home and what it powers.

When you install a battery, the company you work with can help to answer these questions.

Often, they will create a system in which only your essential devices (i.E., your fridge) are powered.

This way, you can extend the useful life of your system to supply power for a longer amount of time.

11. Do you need solar backup power?

No, you do not need solar backup power or a battery of any kind installed at your home or business along with your solar panels.

However, if you do not have solar backup power, then you cannot refuel a battery without sunlight during a grid failure for later use like you can refuel a diesel generator (if you have access to fuel).

Your solar backup power can be charged from either the sun or grid power.

However, if you go the grid power route then you must remember you’re at the mercy of the utility.

Solar power allows you to charge and recharge your battery maintenance-free.

It also works in all locations around the U.S.

You don’t necessarily need to live in a sunny “hotspot” in the U.S.

There are enough quality sun hours to fully charge a battery anywhere in the U.S.

12. How do you find the right solar battery backup option for you?

It can be difficult to find a solar battery option that works best for you because every homeowner and residential property is different.

The criteria that help people identify the optimal battery technology for their needs are below.

Capacity: How much capacity do you need?

Larger batteries can store more solar power; however, they can also be more expensive.

They’re often attractive to homeowners because they allow you to offset a large portion of your energy bills.

Investing in a solar battery can help you save more money in the long term (if you can afford the initial expense).

Cost: Solar batteries have high price tags.

There’s no way around it.

However, the best way to think about it is through the lens of long-term costs and savings.

Batteries deliver returns with predictable payback periods.

Solar-readiness: You need to make sure the battery you’re purchasing will work with your current PV panels.

Some batteries require a lot of expensive modifications while others work on a nearly out-of-the-box basis.

Know what you’re getting yourself into — you don’t want to take on something you can’t handle.

Design: Your battery is an accessory to your home.

Because many consumers think of it as such, manufacturers have started to ship their products in aesthetically pleasing encasements.

This allows them to blend in well with existing homes.

13. What are two solar battery options to consider?

If you’re looking for solar battery backup power options, here are some currently on the market:

LG CHEM Resu 10H

Great for homeowners who are searching for a reliable solar-ready storage solution in an aesthetically pleasing design.

The price for this option is normally around $9,000 to $13,000 depending on the vendor.

These lithium-ion battery that can be paired with a solar panel system.

Users can track power consumption, solar production, and battery levels at any time of the day when they pair it with a SolarEdge inverter and optimizers.

During a power outage, this would still allow the typical American household to power essentials like a bathroom, furnace, refrigerator, etc.

Tesla Powerwall 2

Great for homeowners looking for a versatile battery solution to power essential appliances at night, during grid outages, or during peak hours.

The cost for this option is usually between $6,000 and $7,000 per unit.

Keep in mind that you may require 2 or more connected in series to provide sufficient capacity, which could drive up costs.

This option is quickly becoming the standard go-to for both residential and commercial storage needs.

It’s a fully integrated lithium-ion AC battery system.

It’s shipped in an all-weather encasement plus liquid cooling.

It can be installed indoors and outdoors.

Final Thoughts

Both residential and commercial demand for reliable backup power solutions is continuing to grow.

Solar backup power is a great option if you’re looking to keep the lights on during an outage, want to reduce the peak electricity charges from time-of-use rates, and already have an existing solar PV system.

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